
Failing to Learn From Previous Sri Lankan Farming Disasters – Myles Power

Failing to Learn From Previous Sri Lankan Farming Disasters – Myles Power : In a speech to the House of Commons, Churchill paraphrased Santayana when he said “Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it”. This phrase has always stuck with me as far too …

Rosa Rubicondior

Science News - How We Know What Happened Millions of Years Ago: Science, Humanism, Religion, Secularism and Atheism, with a little bit of politics now and then. Ken Ham, along with other Creationists frauds, have managed to convince their child-like followers that asking "Where you there?" of scientists who try to talk about the past

Flat Earth Insanity


Inside the 8086 processor, tiny charge pumps create a negative voltage

Inside the 8086 processor, tiny charge pumps create a negative voltage : Introduced in 1978, the revolutionary Intel 8086 microprocessor led to the x86 processors used in most desktop and server computing today....

Inside the HP Nanoprocessor: a high-speed processor that can't even add

Inside the HP Nanoprocessor: a high-speed processor that can't even add

Ken Shirriff's blog: A circuit board from the Saturn V rocket, reverse-...

Ken Shirriff's blog: A circuit board from the Saturn V rocket, reverse-... : In the Apollo Moon missions, the Saturn V rocket was guided by an advanced onboard computer system built by IBM. This system was built fro...